Thursday, August 30, 2012

 some times people say children should only be seen and not be heard but i always thought it was the other way around 

the co / op

i have co / op with other home schoolers for 8 hours i  am exhausted plus i was super hungry i ate a giant sandwich then i decited to relax and write on my blog

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the humming birds

my story . once a upon a time there was a handsome  bird whos sung like a angle the colors of the feather were yellow and red and purprple and pink and green and gray with gray eyes it will come to drink the netor of the flower the huming  bird lied in a tree in the meadows wild flowers grew every where the huming bird flew so fast it looked like a shooting star. the huming bird was on his way to the sunset but he got lost he saw another huming bird he ask her do you know the way to the sunset yes i do would you join me yes they fell in love and got married


    1. me and my sis took some crazy photos